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Rates of early leaving from education and training are falling since 2002 in the European Union. Despite this positive trend, early leaving remains a serious issue in many Member States as the number of young people leaving school before completing upper secondary level is still high. School Talent Bank promotes entrepreneurial education in secondary schools among teachers in order to prevent early school leaving, facilitate the transition from school to work and increase students’ engagement. The specific target are those schools which register a high percentage of ethnic minority and foreign-born students.
In order to do so, School Talent Bank enriches school teachers with entrepreneurial competences, as well as creating an online platform, “The School Talent Time Bank”. The web will work as a motivation and take action tool designed to support teachers to manage school drop-outs.

- To achieve relevant and high-quality skills and competences for secondary school teachers to foster they professional development in terms of Entrepreneurship education as they play a central role in education, and, they have a strong impact on the attainment of learners.
- To support schools to tackle early school leaving (ESL) and disadvantage through new methods and tools to foster students’ engagement and motivation.
- To improve the quality and efficiency of education and training
- To promote equity, social cohesion and active citizenship.