Ukrainian flags, rag-dolls wearing traditional clothes, pictures of Ukrainian cities: this is the image that each of the participants got when entering the “Aubette” Hall – Place Klebert, in Strasbourg, on Friday 6 May 2022 in the occasion of ALDA General Assembly.
Dozens of people were there just for one single reason: peace. Young people, children, old ladies and men concealed pain and suffering behind smiles and greetings. Nobody could ever imagine such a terrific reality for the Country of Kiev. Nobody.
Discussing, sharing and showing concrete support to Ukrainian citizens is a daily commitment for ALDA, which, together with the Young European Federalist (JEF) and within the Strasbourg Summit, organised the event “Solidarity with Ukraine: Testimonies of war”.
“Solidarity with Ukraine: Testimonies of war” to urge institutions, other organisations, single citizens to call for immediate peace and end of war
Right at the eve of the closing of the Conference on the Future of Europe, and the Europe Day, the two organisations urged institutions, other organisations, single citizens to call for immediate peace and end of war.
Testimonies came from different realities, yet all aiming at the same goal: Tetiana Lomakina, from LDA Mariupol gave her opening speech, showed a sadly well-know brutal situation in her Country, in which people are suffering, yet very much committed to speak up for their freedoms in her city and all over Ukraine. Mariupol, one of the most attacked area, as recalled by Antonella Valmorbida, was, and still is, the hometown of one of the two Local Democracy Agency, which is a place of democracy, a place of positive change, a place which today is facing an unjust war.
Marta Siciarek, from Gdansk Region and Partner of EPIC Project, stressed the solidarity actions expressed from Poland towards Ukraine: the red and white Country is thus welcoming hundreds of hundreds of refugees. Similarly Christelle Savall, Vice-President of JEF Europe, underlined the need of welcoming Ukraine as a candidate Country to join the Union.
Future hopes, needs and actions which have to be taken to support the Country of blue sky above the yellow field of wheat, as expressed by Andriy Sadovyi, Mayor of Lviv. At the same time Iryna Orel, from Promote Ukriane, underlined the need to design a quality information space showing real events taking place in Ukraine. Similarly, in a gentle and powerful voice Inna Volkova, from the Odessa Regional Council, after having showed pictures of bombing, hanging the demaged flag of Ukraine, she called for “Slava Ukrainii”.