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The project aims to contribute to capacity building of human resources of municipalities and cities in the border regions of Croatia and Serbia for effective cooperation at regional and European level through the establishment of Resource Centres for networking in the city of Osijek in Croatia and in the city of Subotica in Serbia and by promotion of European public policies and the concept of active European citizenship
- To build capacities of local institutions and local authorities for understanding regional EU policy and European integration process
- To promote town twinning as a tool for development of European active citizenship
- To contribute to twin town/municipality partner search for LA from Croatia and Serbia at European level
- To contribute to networking and cooperation between LA from Croatia and Serbia

- The work-programme foresees the following main activities:
- Capacity building activities (3 conferences, 1 training, 2 seminars)
- Resource centres’ activities (promotional workshops on twinning, partner search, consultations)
- Thematic networking activities (12 local thematic events in municipalities and cities in border regions of Croatia and Serbia)