The project SIMPLE will focus on tackling two sport-specific priorities in the field of ERASMUS + Programmes:
-on the one hand, encouraging healthy lifestyles for all, promoting participation in sports as a tool for health, as well as physical and mental well-being;
-on the other hand, promoting equality and European values in and through sport, creating spaces for social inclusion.
In addition, SIMPLE will aim at tackling the horizontal priorities of:
-inclusion and diversity, by supporting activities that promote social inclusion and that aim at improving the outreach to people with fewer opportunities, in particular people with disabilities;
– environmental sustainability, by ensuring environmentally sustainable and responsible behaviour through its activities, and promoting awareness among its participants about the importance of reducing their environmental footprint.
It will prioritise the integration of sustainable practices throughout the preparation and implementation of all its activities.

The overall objective of the SIMPLE project is to achieve is aimed at building a nexus between sport, social inclusion and environmental protection through physical activity, sustainable practices and a connection with local nature. In particular, the project aims to achieve the following specific objectives:
SO1. To promote equal access to sport and recreational activities for people with disabilities as a tool to prevent discrimination and enhance equal opportunities and well-being, tackling specific barriers based on lack of accessibility and inclusion in sport for people with disabilities.
SO2. To promote the involvement of young people in sports from an early age to create life-long habits that positively impact their health and well-being.
SO3. To raise the awareness of citizens about their impact on the environment, engaging them with sustainable sports activities.
SO4. To increase the capacity of the grassroots sport sector, social organizations and public authorities to promote inclusion through sport and increase equal participation in sport for youth and people with disabilities.
The activities of the project will focus on the inclusion of people with disabilities through sport.