The Greek association KMOP (Kendro Merimnas Oikoyeniaskai Pediou) will organise on 15th and 16th March an event in Korydallos and Piraeus in the framework of the project VIT- Very important twinning, Volunteering in town.
The event in Greece will be the second organised in the project VIT (after the one organised in Valencia on March 2nd and 3rd by Recreatura) and is part of a total of 18 workshops, which will be held until June 2013.
This project aims at creating a platform involving different types of stakeholders for debate, action and reflection on how citizens may enhance governance in Europe. At the same time, the project aims at revitalising existing town-twinning relations of the partner towns and initiate new twinning.
The first day of the workshop will be dedicated to the presentation by local NGO’s of their volunteering actions and to a discussion on the role of volunteerism and its impact in society. The second will consist on a visit to KMOP’s Day Care Center “Ariadni” in Piraeus.