Sending inspiring and universal messages to the community, once again, about 40 youth with disabilities took the stage on May 31th, 2022, in Kairouan, Tunisia and presenting a great variety of performances. The event was organized by the LDA Tunisia within the project “Starting with You” for the rehabilitation of people with disabilities and their inclusion in the society.
Among the 40 participants, 30 performers were Tunisians from Kairouan city, while 10 were Italians students, part of the association “Mettiamoci In Gioco”, who traveled from Italy to Kairouan specifically to join the show and perform in the event!
The show was designed as follow: 7 different performances from mime and sign language to a fairytale play, and from singing and dancing to corporal expression. The themes varied, yet interrelated through both the Tunisian and the Italian anthems, emphasising the idea of participation, friendship, empathy, inclusion, and the sense of belonging and community. Also, the music was also varied and marvelous that added a wonderful energy and enthusiasm to the scenes.
Aged between 7 and 35 years old, the performers are currently engaged in three local centers, each of which focuses on different characteristics: physical, mental, and auditive. All together, based on the potential and abilities of each participant, one of the dance performance proved how inclusion is possible, while breaking social exclusion.
This initiative marked a further step in building a bridge for communication, while highlighting the productive, creative, autonomous and confident skills of the performers
Once again, this initiative marked a further step in building a bridge for communication, while highlighting the productive, creative, autonomous and confident skills of the performers.
Hence, the event brought to the fore the need to further reinforce the rights of people with disabilities; especially in a city like Kairouan, which poses several barriers to citizens, being not fully accessible. In light of this, theatre thus became a source of advocacy, while raising a voice and breaking stereotypes. In the show the people portrayed a novel image where they were delighted, energetic, vivid, and active. They brought movement, energy, art, and wit to the scene. Coming from different backgrounds; local authorities, directors and staff of centers for rehabilitation, ONGs, Tunisian and Italian parents, media, students, youth and artists; the audience, engaged during the whole event, got the vibe and was deeply moved
From a general stand point, the event also emphasized the role of theater as a tool for improvement, capacity building, and personal growth, resulting from a seven-months of theater workshops, where youth actively participated working on their artistic capacities, discovering their abilities and empowering their skills.
Concluding, this event highlights the LDA Tunisia role and contribution to creating an inclusive community and reinforcing citizenship and participation of people especially those who belong to vulnerable groups. It also foregrounds the agency’s commitment to sensitize the stakeholders and the community about the rights of people with disabilities and contribute to creating a solid ground for communication and participation through artistic expression.
The event was unique and unprecedented in the community which made it standout. The LDA Tunisia team ensured that the event received the deserved public attention and national and local media coverage.
The cultural and artistic event “Theatre for everyone” is the second round and the LDA Tunisia is looking forward to organizing more shows in the future. The agency is the regional responsible for the project in Kairouan, thus it actively seeks an effective, innovative and participatory solutions platform.
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