On June 11th 2021, the group of young people engaged in youth CSOs from Knjazevac had a meeting with the representative of the local governance, the Deputy Mayor Mr. Branislav Josifovic. The topic of the activity was participation of youth in the decision-making on the local level, as well as the presentation of the recommendations for the improving the quality of life of young people in Knjaževac.
Prior to this meeting, a street action was organized, where young activists asked the citizens to vote on their recommendations and to add their suggestions. In the document presented to the local authorities, there were four recommendations for improving the quality of life for young people in municipality of Knjazevac that had the most votes:
- to establish a youth centre,
- to create more opportunities for recreational sports,
- to have a counselling program for young people and
- to have more cultural and entertaining activities for youth, organized according to their interests.
Four recommendations for improving the quality of life for young people in municipality of Knjazevac
The conclusion of the meeting is that the recommendations largely concur with the activities planned by the local government for the coming period. A space that would be intended for young people is also planned, and which should be established at the beginning of next year. The deputy mayor stated that the local government will consult with young people when planning the next activities, and invited them to address him directly with questions and suggestions concerning young people.
The activity was a part of the project VALID – European Cities – Strengthening Common Values of Solidarity and Intercultural Dialogue funded by the Europe for Citizens program.