
Building sustainable municipalities for a resilient and promising future in Ukraine

On 8 March 2024, ALDA took part in the Conference “Building Sustainable Municipalities – What Does it Take?”, organised by U-LEAD with Europe, a multi-donor action of the European Union and its member states Germany, Poland, Denmark and Slovenia to support multi-level governance which is transparent, accountable and responsive to the needs of the Ukrainian population.

On 8 March 2024, ALDA took part in the Conference “Building Sustainable Municipalities – What Does it Take?”, organised by U-LEAD with Europe, a multi-donor action of the European Union and its member states Germany, Poland, Denmark and Slovenia to support multi-level governance which is transparent, accountable and responsive to the needs of the Ukrainian population.

This practical exchange aimed at stimulating forward-looking, visionary and unconventional perspectives on the recovery of Ukrainian local communities.

Hosted in the U-LEAD with Europe office in Kyiv (Ukraine), the one-day workshop was attended by international speakers, public officials, civil society and private sector actors who exchanged ideas and fruitful insights on the development and implementation of local projects for the recovery of social infrastructure and assistance to citizenship.

The Conference was a brighter occasion to emphasise the different aspects of sustainability reconstruction, decentralisation process and regional development, sharing successful strategies and positive dialogues with central authorities for an improving quality of life in local communities.

The support and commitment of ALDA to Ukrainian municipalities is growing day by day, with the official beginning of our operational programme in Kyiv and the involvement of our national representative in Ukraine, Khrystyna Kvartsiana, which amplifies our collaborative prospective.  

We will continue to assist Ukrainian municipalities and local communities in their reconstruction, supporting peace, democracy and sustainable development and cooperating all together for a prosperous future

ALDA Secretary General, Mrs. Antonella Valmorbida, participated in the event with an intervention within the third Panel “Preserving Cohesion at the Local level in Times of War” dedicated to the efforts and preventions on social cohesion between different stakeholders, how to assimilate citizens participation and which involvement for municipalities.  

Mrs. Valmorbida emphasised the multi-stakeholder approach implemented by the Association with local authorities and civil society and its promotion for advocacy work, action coordination, fundraising and cooperation projects. Moreover, she underscored the key role of Local Democracy Agencies as a crucial tool for peace and cohesion, focusing on the opening of new LDAs in Ukraine, as set out in our Flagship Initiative in Ukraine

ALDA is actively engaged in promoting democratic values and good governance for a more inclusive and equal society worldwide. 

We will continue to assist Ukrainian municipalities and local communities in their reconstruction, supporting peace, democracy and sustainable development and cooperating all together for a prosperous future.