46 months of activities, 6 partners, 7 concrete interventions to implement Natural Water-Retention Measures, 1 mission: implementing a strategy for adaptation to climate change and flood risk in urban and rural areas, through the active involvement of local communities. This is the project Life Beware, whose results were presented in the final event on June 4th in Santorso.
During the whole day, participants were able to get to know the project’s achievements in depth, and to reflect together on potential future developments and actions that can be implemented as a follow up.
In the morning, Life Beware facilitator Giulio Pesenti held the “Life Beware, e poi?” [“Life Beware, then what?”] workshop using the Open Space Technology methodology. The latter is an innovative way of organizing workshops and laboratories, which fuels participants’ passion and interest by allowing them to choose the ways of working that they find most useful and productive.
“Now we have a great responsibility: accompanying other institutional actors and territories to strongly commit to environmental and hydraulic resilience, guarding the delicate balance between man and nature” (Franco Balzi – Mayor of Santorso)
Moreover, in the late afternoon with the final conference and round table entitled: “Acqua, Resilienza e Territorio. Attività e Risultati del Progetto LIFE BEWARE” [“Water, Resilience and Territory. Activities and Results of the LIFE BEWARE Project”]. During the first part, representatives of the project shared the most innovative and interesting results for the AltoVicentino area from the point of view of their Organization. Furthermore, the second part saw the contribution of representatives from Ispra, ViAcqua, Centro Internazionale Civiltà dell’Acqua ONLUS and Anbi Veneto for a shared reflection on the environmental resilience of our territory and how to best involve citizens on these issues. The actor Diego Dalla Via moderated the event and animated it with short performances on the topic of water and climate change during interludes.
The consortium is really proud of the achievements of the project, and it is also happy to have shared with so many people knowledge, best practices and questions related to the world of climate change, promoting an active and constructive dialogue on the challenges of the climate crisis.
Thanks again to everyone who participated!
The final event was preceded by two days of Professional training that took place both online and in-person on the 31st of May and 1st of June. The training targeted technicians and professionals, focusing on stormwater management in urban and agricultural environments for flood prevention and land adaptation to climate change. This opportunity also included on site visits of the NWRM implemented. Professional Training Credits were officially recognized by the Veneto Order of Geologists and the Order of Agronomists and Foresters. The training was led by Prof. Lucia Bortolini, Prof. Vincenzo D’agostino and Dr. Francesco Bettella of the TESAF Department of the University of Padua, Ing. Paolo Ronco of Centro Rive, Dr. Roberto Fiorentin of Veneto Agricoltura and Ing. Laura Di Prima of Consorzio di Bonifica Alta Pianura Veneta.
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