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The project is conceived to increase EU citizens’ knowledge, awareness, and engagement on sustainable patterns of food consumption and production for climate change, mitigation, and adaptation. The project is designed to reach young people, between 18 and 35 years old, committed to change their food consumption behaviours and to actively promote the shift towards ecological and inclusive urban food systems, contributing to the EU’s efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change.
The project will be implemented in over 21 locations and 17 countries, in particular 16 EU Member States and 1 country in the Global South (Brazil)! The consortium includes 17 Local Authorities (LA), 4 LAs specialised agencies, and 8 Civil Society Organisations (CSOs).
The overall objective of the project is to raise awareness and increase engagement among youth on the topics of sustainable patterns in food consumption and production, with a focus on climate change, mitigation, and adaptation.
Pillar 1: Awareness
The project will develop evidence-based information materials on climate changes and food in and between the Global North and South. These materials will help youth in 19 EU cities to be aware of the importance of climate-friendly food consumption behaviours, policies, and food system models impacts.
Pillar 2: Engagement
EU Youth will increase knowledge and capacities in awareness raising and campaigning, and will actively engage in the promotion of practices for sustainable food systems. Offline activities will be organised such as summer and winter schools for young activists; grass-roots initiatives ;and street actions in the field of climate-friendly food consumption behaviours – all led by youth organisations and Local Authorities with the financial support of the project.
Pillar 3: Communication/Outreach
This pillar will develop a Pan-European Digital campaign to widen the EU audience on the importance of sustainable food consumption and urban food policies to tackle climate change. Activities such as European visual arts contests or film festivals will be promoted and will contribute to creating an EU Network of food influencers.