We Act Politics and Media Training for Women Politicians & CSOs
We Act Politics and Media Training for Women Politicians and CSOs is organized in cooperation with ALDA and Daktilo 1984 Association. The program, which is planned as 5 days face-to-face and 4 days online trainings, aims to increase capacity on the main topics of Candidacy Process and Effective Campaign Management; Election Legislation; Political Communication Strategies; Media Visibility and Campaigning; Social Media Management, Podcast and Op-ed Techniques. As part of the program, we will host 114 women candidates from all over Turkey who aspire to run for office in the 2024 Local Elections. Within the scope of the training, we will offer participants the opportunity to practice with practical sessions with news anchors and to increase their sphere of influence by meeting media professionals and journalists at the networking event to be organized after the trainings.
📆 16-21 December 2023
Discover more: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdyTKYLO9ecyKz35HZaxGzJ0Cvdorqao8lvg2Is-76W5y2kKw/viewform?usp=send_form