From the 28th of June until the 1st of July 2022 the partners of the #EuSAVE project held the 6th international event in Concello de Vimianzo, Spain. The meeting was organised by the latter who is also the leader of the project. The title of the meeting was “Designing new and innovative joint development strategies for EU smart and sustainable historic villages”. The project includes partners from Italy, Croatia, Portugal, North Macedonia, Latvia and Bulgaria:
- Unione dei Comuni della Grecìa Salentina, Italy
- Lokalna akcjiska grupa Zagorje-Sutla, Croatia
- Comunidade Intermunicipal do Alto Alentejo, Portugal
- Municipality Berovo, Republic of North Macedonia
- Dagda local municipality, Latvia
- Municipality of Bolyarovo, Bulgaria.
On the first day the partners were invited to a Welcome Dinner, to which also the Mayoress of Concello de Vimianzo Mónica Rodríguez Ordóñez joined.
The morning of the second day, the 29th of June 2022, was dedicated to the 6th transnational coordination meeting which took place at the house of culture in Vimianzo.
In the afternoon the group immersed themselves in the cultural and natural heritage of the Death Coast by visiting the church of Saint James of Cereixo, the fulling mills of O Mosquetín as well as the coastal towns Fisterra and Muxía. The outdoor lunch was accompanied by a musical performance of the well-known galician singer Inma Macías. The association Partido de Corcubión which consists of galician immigrants living in Argentina joined some of the activities during the international event
“Designing new and innovative joint development strategies for EU smart and sustainable historic villages” at the centre of EuSAVE meeting in Concello de Vimianzo
On the 30th of June some partners strolled through the village market of Vimianzo in the morning.after The Transnational Info Day took place in the house of culture during the whole afternoon. The Mayoress of Vimianzo Mónica Rodríguez Ordóñez officially started with welcoming words followed by presentations of each partner country about the project, its results, a virtual itinerary through each territory and lessons learned. On behalf of ALDA, Alessia Marzotto and Ingrid Nazarenus held a presentation about, ALDA’s role in the the #EuSAVE project

The Transnational Info Day continued with a presentation about the cultural heritage of Vimianzo held by the cultural heritage specialist Manuel Rias Santos. After a medieval banquet in the Castle of Vimianzo and a spontaneous music performance from the association Partido de Corcubión, the Transnational Info Day went on with a presentation about “The Way of St. James in Galicia and the Death Coast” by the journalist and historian Antón Pombo.
Further presentations were held about the “Initiatives to enhance the value of the cultural heritage on the Death Coast” by the Vice President of the Galician Tourism Cluster Jesús Picallo, the “Importance of the heritage in the rural tourism” by the president of FEGATUR Francisco Xabier Alumíña Chorén and the “Initiatives to enhance the value of the cultural heritage on the Ribeira Sacra“ by the Manager of the Ribeira Sacra Tourism Consortium Alexandra Seara Sobrino.
During the thematic breakfast on the last day of the International meeting, the 1st of July 2022, the project partners learned more about the typical Galician finger food “Pinchos Irmandiños” from Carlos Gómez. After that, the partners met in the house of culture. The Municipality of Bolyarovo presented “Joint Strategies for smart and sustainable historical villages in the EU”, after which Cecilia Meledandri and Silvia Piccoli from ALDA talked about “The New Multi-annual Financial Framework 2021-2027 and the Next Generation EU. Tailor-made processes with different duration”.
After a coffee break, the Transnational workshop proceeded with a presentation of the Municipality of Vimianzo about the “Sustainability and Transfer Plan of the #EuSAVE network” and a workshop about proposals for the continuity and sustainability of the #EuSAVE network. The International event of the project concluded with a farewell dinner with costumes and a concert in the village of Vimianzo.
More information about the #EuSAVE project can be found on the Website as well as on the Facebook and Instagram pages of the project: