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ESSPIN project will re-examine the nexus of social, economic, and spatial inequalities in the EU as well as the various typologies, arrangements and mixes of policies to address them in the light of emerging and highly interacting mega-trends and challenges that threaten to increase pressures and make policy choices even more difficult.
As new and older drivers of change are projected to create a rather unfavourable environment for balanced growth and socio-spatial resilience, this research will focus on the analysis of policy responses, aiming to make them more proactive, inclusive, and effective.

The objectives of the ESSPIN project may be divided into four main spheres:
- Develop a new knowledge frontier and substantially improve the understanding by the scientific community of the evolution and drivers of inequality.
- Provide a novel methodological framework integrating different strands of literature and different types and scales of inequality that will have a lasting impact on scientific research.
- Provide a better understanding of the economic costs of inequality.
- Contribute to higher well-being at the workplace, higher firm productivity, and more inclusive managerial practices.

- Successfully deal with the challenges faced by left-behind people and places.
- Enhance public awareness of the causes and effects of inequality.
- Single out critical areas for social actors and NGOs to intervene, accompanied by effective tools of analysis and policy instruments to reduce inequality and bring about inclusive growth.
- Raised awareness in society as a whole on the importance of inequalities for social cohesion, economic growth, and well-being.
- Improved efficiency of economic, social and cohesion policies in achieving inclusive growth at the European level.
- Improve policymakers’ capacity in achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
- A more equal and inclusive European society.