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The Council of Europe has financed the ALDA project “Empowering the role of young people in Kosovo”, that aims at empowering young people living in Kosovo in order to foster their capacities to play the role of “active citizens” in their local community
The main specific objectives of the project are the following:
- To provide capacity building to young people and youth workers through trainings on project development and management and on active citizenship;
- To develop and consolidate networks and partnerships, both at the local and at the international level, in order to strengthen cooperation in the field of youth
- To create the basis for a long-lasting fruitful engagement of young people in the life of the local community through the “youth ambassadors” groups.

- Seminar on the participation of Youth in Local Life in Gjilan/Gnjilane: EN
- European Local Democracy Week in Gjilan: EN , SQ, FR
- Invitation to the Local Democracy week in Gjilan: EN
- Seminar on the participation of Youth in Local Life in Gjilan: EN , FR
- Bullettin – Association of Kosovo Municipalities n° 36, January – March 2008