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The decentralised cooperation between the region Normandy and the Republic of North Macedonia includes several actions on various subjects such as Remembrance, peace and reconciliation, local democracy, cultural heritage for the construction of European dialogue and youth and citizen participation. These activities involve many stakeholders from Normandy and North Macedonia in the format of multi-actor partnerships.
The focus of the program is on the Remembrance, peace and reconciliation of the First World War on the territory of North Macedonia and Normandy.
The annual programme for decentralised cooperation between the partners from Normandy and North Macedonia is headed by the City of Colombelles and implemented by ALDA.

- Reinforce the network of cooperation between the local authorities in the Republic of North Macedonia and France on the process of decentralisation, and exchange of expertise on this subject based on the French model.
- Encourage and support international mobility of youth.
- Increase the number of cultural activities and partnerships on both territories in the framework of the cooperation.
- Raise awareness and increase knowledge on the subject of the First World War, specifically the Macedonian front and its remembrance.
- Promote citizen participation and European citizenship.
- Strengthen capacities of the stakeholders in the field of territorial development and the implementation of international projects.

REMEMBRANCE AND PEACE FOR EUROPE: The purpose of this activity is to create exchanges and increase the scientific knowledge among experts on the History of the Macedonian Front during the First World War as well as raise awareness among the local population on both territories. Also, encourage discussion on European citizenship through its shared history for peace and unity today and in the future.
YOUTH: TRAINING YOUTH STAKEHOLDERS OF THE TERRITORIES: This activity is in line with the youth policies on both territories for the promotion of youth participation in public matters, the stimulation of youth stakeholders as well as the sectors for non-formal education and youth rights.
ENVIRONMENT: Series of activities in order to raise awareness of climate change and respect for the environment amount young people from both territories.
LOCAL DEMOCRACY: This action led to the creation of exchanges between Macedonians and Normans on cooperation between local authorities and civil society and between young people and municipalities in order to support the development of local democracy and active citizenship.