“I don’t want young people to change country,
I want young people to change the country.”
(Rinaldo Sidoli)
ARC Research Centre of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan, Alliance for Social Generativity, with the support of Fondazione Cattolica are looking for 50 young leaders to share ideas and energies and become the real engine of our country, through Social Generativity.
On 30 September in Vicenza, participate in 50xcento, a free training and activation experience on the theme of Social Generativity, a new paradigm for the development of a territory and its community, aimed at a heterogeneous group of 50 young people from the Vicenza area.
But what is Social Generativity?
Social generativity is a new way of thinking and acting, both personal and collective, which describes the possibility of a type of socially oriented, creative, connective, productive and responsible action, capable of having a positive impact on the forms of producing, innovating, living, caring, organising and investing, by injecting new life.
WHO CAN PARTICIPATE – who are the young contribution leaders
50 young people aged 20 to 40 years, resident and/or domiciled in the territory of Vicenza and its Province, who wish to take up the challenge of the “50xcento” and share the logic of contribution, to be active protagonists of a new season of development, local and national, with people at the centre, starting from the spaces and opportunities for growth offered and present in the territory of Vicenza.
Together to be the real engine of Italian development, through Social Generativity
HOW – Learning by doing: theory at the service of practice.
Overall, the 50xcento day can be thought of as an articulated collective performance, which begins with a traditional conference setting and evolves progressively, in a crescendo.
Through the use of different and integrated languages, making the most of the performative aspects in the group work, the participants will be presented with the theme and the pillars of Social Generativity and proposed a performative action:

1st Pillar – Desire: Reflection and dialogue on the following questions: What is blocking the future today? What prevents us from looking beyond? What inhibits desire in my area?
2nd Pillar – Bringing into the world: constructing and generating elements that are considered to be positive for one’s own city, future and society
3rd Pillar – Taking care: having lunch together to underline the importance of conviviality as a value for building sustainable and productive social dynamics.
4th Pillar – Letting go: the performative action to be carried out involves leaving the elements built in the second pillar in a point considered significant in one’s own territory, and taking a photo.
At the end of the training day, the young participants in the 50xcento will have the opportunity to participate in the presentation of the European project CAP- PERI (CAP – Peer Education Resources in Italy), co-funded by the European Union Programme IMCAP, in which the following organisations participate ALDA – Association of Local Democracy Agencies (Vicenza), IRS – Institute for Social Research (Milan), Replay Network (Rome), ISBEM – Euro Mediterranean Biomedical Scientific Institute (Mesagne) and CESIE – European Centre of Studies and Initiatives (Palermo).
Join the free training! Fill in the form

SKILLS AND SKILLS – The 50xcento for my growth
Through this initiative, participants will acquire various soft skills that will enable them to generate and seize opportunities for development and change in their local contexts and become cultural promoters around social generativity, initiating supra-local relations and networks of exchange of reflections and generative practices with other territories.
Participation in the CAP-PERI conference offers a concrete example of the development of a project idea and also provides an opportunity to meet and exchange ideas with experienced organisations and to draw inspiration, stimuli and ideas.

To join the free training please fill in the form
Deadline to apply: 20 SEPTEMBER 2021

Membership of the event is free of charge, there is no cost to participate.
Lunch is included.
Timetable: 9.00 – 18.00
Venue: ALDA – European Association for Local Democracy – Viale Milano 36 – Vicenza
Contact: Nadia Di Iulio (ALDA) nadia@alda-europe.eu or (+39) 324 6257381
50Xcento is promoted by ARC, the Research Centre of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan, and by the Alliance for Social Generativity, a constantly expanding national project born from a movement developed within ARC, which brings together different organisations, especially enterprises, promoting generative culture in the country.
50xcento is sponsored by Fondazione Cattolica