ALDA Statement on European elections – Use your Vote!
June 5, 2024Read the statement made by our President, Nataša Vučković, and by the whole Governing Board on the upcoming European Elections.

Shades of Democracy Podcast on EU Enlargment and Ukraine
June 4, 2024Join us on this new episode of ALDA Podcast “Shades of Democracy” as we discuss EU enlargement, and developments in Ukraine.

300+ Candidates Signed the European Civil Society’s Pledge
May 29, 2024On 28 May, ALDA and parters of the Civil Society for EU’s campaign led by Civil Society Europe secured more than 300 signatures by European election candidates.

Communicating on the Importance of Democratic Participation
May 27, 2024On 22 May, ALDA contributed to a workshop on Communicating Europe Locally and the Importance of Democratic Participation in Fiesso Umbertiano, Italy, in collaboration with the Europe Direct Center of Padova.

ALDA at the Eurovision Debate 2024
May 23, 2024On 23 May, ALDA was present in the hemicycle of the European Parliament where was held the Eurovision debate of the lead candidates for the Commission presidency.

Use Your Vote or Others Will Decide for You
May 21, 2024Democracy is a precious gift passed on to us from previous generations. They aspired towards it and fought for it. Now it is up to us to maintain it, to make it stronger and pass it on to the generations to come.

ALDA welcomes Mariupol delegation in Brescia and Verona, Italy
May 10, 2024On Wednesday 8 and Thursday 9 May, ALDA welcomed a delegation from the Ukrainian city of Mariupol.

Europe Day 2024: 100 reasons to vote
May 10, 2024On Thursday 9 May, ALDA, through the voice of its employees and Secretary-general, Antonella Valmorbida, encouraged citizens to vote via a short video message.

ALDA at the EurHope Final Event
May 10, 2024On Wednesday 8 May, ALDA attended the EurHope campaign final event at the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) in Brussels, in the presence of EESC president Oliver Röpke.

Better Europe Together at the European Parliament’s partners reception
May 7, 2024On Monday 6 May, ALDA attended the European Parliament’s communications partners reception in Brussels, in the presence of European Parliament President Roberta Metsola.

Shades of Democracy Podcast on the European elections
May 4, 2024Join us on this episode of ALDA Podcast “Shades of Democracy,” as we explore the significance of the EU Elections 2024 and their impact on the future of European democracy.

Meeting with France’s Europe Minister
May 3, 2024On 9 April, five young candidates to the European elections met and exchanged with young citizens in Brussels in an event organised by Stand Up for Europe.

European Treasure Hunt in Strasbourg
April 30, 2024On 9 April, five young candidates to the European elections met and exchanged with young citizens in Brussels in an event organised by Stand Up for Europe.

Young citizens and European elections candidates debate in Brussels
April 23, 2024On 9 April, five young candidates to the European elections met and exchanged with young citizens in Brussels in an event organised by Stand Up for Europe.

Students and young professional meet at TALE’s World Cafè in Rome
April 23, 2024On 19 April 2024, in the framework of the European Youth Week, students, young professionals, and local associations met in Rome, Italy to discuss the upcoming European elections as well as youth participation beyond the voting process.

Assessing European Political Groups Manifestos for a Sustainable Future
April 21, 2024On 26 March at the seventh edition of REAL DEAL’s Civil Society Forum for Sustainability, representatives from Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) assessed the promises of political manifestos.