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ALDA Summer University “Remembrance and intercultural dialogue” by ALDA Skopje, in co-operation with the University FON from Skopje, from 17 to 22 July 2017. Total number of expected participants is 30 coming from Macedonia, Albania, Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and France.
This project contributes towards mutual learning and experience gaining in the topic of remembrance and intercultural dialog among the participants in order to provide an opportunity for the young participants to reflect on the past, to discuss the current challenges and moreover to develop competencies needed to build future democratic Europe.
Young generation of Europe, especially young people in the Western Balkans, faces in today’s world many challenges including political and economic instability, growing extremism and radicalism among youth. It is significantly important to provide young people an opportunity to develop competencies enabling them not to just deal with these challenges but moreover to get fully involved in decision making processes in their communities and societies and to contribute to building inclusive and democratic Europe.
The project is supported by the Central European Initiative and the Normandy Region

- Reinforcing the role of young people in the process of building future Europe;
- Overcoming youth passivity and dealing with youth extremisms and radicalism;
- Developing competencies of young people (their skills, knowledge and attitudes) needed to take active part in the process of creating democratic and inclusive Europe;
- Opportunity to interact with young people coming from local community and to learn from each other experiences.