To inaugurate this new series of in-presence events, we are glad to announce that this year ALDA is taking part into the General Assembly of the “International Association of French-speaking Mayors – AIMF”.
The Assembly takes place in Kigali, Rwanda, from July 18th to 22nd and follows an intense and stimulating agenda, animated by special guests and experts from all over the World.
While the Assembly itself is foreseen on Wednesday, the first day of conference is dedicated to the issue of gender equality in relation to family management: a sensitive topic, also related to health care management for young people in the Country and in general to the services offered by the Municipalities.
On Tuesday July 20th, the focus is more linked to ALDA’s core action, with a series of panel discussions on the relation between mayors and citizens and how this dynamic reflects on the urban management of French-speaking cities. In this vein, ALDA Secretary General, Ms Antonella Valmorbida, is taking the floor during the first panel, titled “Local government policies in phase with civil society: models of partnership between the municipality and civil society“.
A fruitful occasion of learning and sharing, for the advancement of good local governance all around the World
After listening to the Rwandans experience through the voices of local experts, Ms Valmorbida is giving an overview of participatory democracy and the dynamics of citizens participation in Europe and its Neighborhood, drawing from the experience and the best practices of the myriad of projects ALDA has been leading on these topics for the past 20 years.
In light of the recent, yet extremely promising, collaboration with AIMF, it is important for ALDA and its network to be involved in such an event, and getting to know better the mechanisms that regulate the functioning of communities in different places
This is crucial for the advancement of the work of ALDA and the elaboration of even more complete models for the support of local democracy all around the World, according to changing contexts and needs.