Strengthening citizens’ and local authorities’ role in the good local governance of all the European and neighbouring countries and facilitate cooperation between local authorities and civil society.
These main objectives of ALDA’s activity will be continued next June, on the occasion of the General Assembly 2012 of the Association, with two international Conferences and the discussion on ALDA strategy 2020. The event will take place in Udine, Italy, on the 7th and 8th of June.
ALDA General Assembly will start in the morning (8.45-13.00) of 7th and continue in the morning (9.00-13.00) of 8th. ALDA members will elect the new Governing Board that will lead the Association for the next four years, and will debate, also with partners, and approve the ALDA 2020 and multiannual programme.
In the afternoon of the first day (7th June) will be held the first International Conference on the issue “Strengthening the role of citizens and local governance in the neighbouring Countries: lessons learned and opportunities from East to South”.
During the conference, promoted by ALDA and the Region Friuli Venezia Giulia, starting from a position paper by ALDA, the discussion will focus on the role of European Authorities and NGOs on promoting the participation of Civil Society on local governance.
For many years, European institutions, local authorities and civil society have been active to support democracy and good governance in Eastern Europe and in Western Balkans. The European Union decided a further enlargement towards South Eastern Europe and developed new forms of cooperation with Eastern partners. How this experience could be of benefit of southern countries, which are living a new and difficult spring? How to do it and bring an added value? Is it appropriate to do it? Which methodology to adopt in this case?
In the afternoon of the second day (8th June), will take place the second International Conference on the issue “Active Ageing and local governance: the elderly people as actors of active citizenship at the local level”, with the support of the EC Programme Europe for Citizens.
During the conference best practices by ALDA’s partners on the field of active ageing and the role of senior in twinning will be shared. As good practices from the Region Friuli Venezia Giulia, the case of Trieste will be presented.

ALDA follows up with its effort in promoting active citizenship and good local governance. General Assembly and international conferences in Udine
May 15, 2012
Good governance