As part of the SolArid programme, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Algeria in partnership with the Global Mechanism of UNCCD, United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, had co-organised an international workshop for the socio-economic development of tangible and intangible rural heritage in arid and semi-arid regions of Algeria. The workshop took place from 28 to 29 March 2012 in BouSaâda (Algeria).
Vice president of ALDA, Mr. Alessandro Perelli, attended to the workshop.
Beginning his speech, Mr. Perelli has launched an appeal for the release of Rossella Urru, Italian cooperator kidnapped and imprisoned for five months in southern Algeria, and of others cooperators in the same condition.
“The experience of Northern Italy –Mr. Perelli said in his speech – indicates that in order to make a quality leap in the development of agriculture, Algeria needs to engage the modernisation in its traditions. It is a challenge that Algerian people and its leaders have to face because development and modernisation of the agricultural sector does not mean only positive feedback for the economy, but also a practical and viable solution to the serious social problem of emigration”.
As part of its National Strategy for Sustainability and Rural Development, Algeria wants to improve social cohesion and development of rural areas to guarantee equal resources access and that decentralisation will result with special attention given to the most vulnerable rural populations. These objectives can be achieved only with an improvement in investment planning and if the geographical diversity is taken into account.
The strategy focuses on four programmes: rehabilitation of villages and “Ksours”, recovery and development of economic activities in rural development and natural resource protection, enhancement of tangible and intangible rural heritage. Each programme promotes partnerships between actors of development, multi-sectorial integration, support for the implementation of innovative economic activities, promotion and sustainable management of resources and heritage, socio-economic synergy and coordination in actions. These programmes all focus on development and revitalisation (economic, social, environmental and cultural) of the territories.
Through this strategy, Algeria pursues several objectives: reverse rural exodus, fight against desertification and erosion, widespread social, economic, cultural and environmental development in steppe, oasis and mountainous areas.
The workshop had the aim to contribute to the enhancement of tangible and intangible rural heritage, through the analysis of international instruments and programmes and the identification of a pilot partnership programme for the development of socio-economic activities on rural heritage promotion, together with local actors.